Our very own Swire Ho recently was the guest on the PR Afterhours Podcast hosted by virtual mixologist Alex Greenwood. Alex is a 28-year veteran of the Public Relations, Marketing, and Publishing industries. As a former TV executive and radio host, he is a sought-after speaker and expert who loves sharing his passion for business and PR. They talked about how companies should draft a promotional product strategy before purchasing any products. Below is a summary of their conversation:
Trade Shows are finally beginning to start up again and with that is the need for promotional items for drawing for potential customers. Knowing which items to choose and the best method for reaching the highest number of people is a question many business owners ask. Don’t worry; I’ve broken down my strategy for reaching your target audience in our post-pandemic world in this podcast.
Many business owners are used to attending trade shows and placing their promotional products such as promotional pens, promotional notepads, custom water bottles on a table for attendees. Although this method is an excellent way to target many people in a short amount of time, it’s not the most effective way to turn those contacts into customers.
I believe promotional products are a gateway to grow sales, and they should be treated as such. I’ve used my seventeen years of experience to develop three main categories you can focus on to grow your business utilizing promotional products.
People no longer respond to emails or phone calls, but sending a few select members of your target a VIP gift set full of branded products makes an impression and gets them excited to pick up the phone and call you. You really can target a small number of VIP customers that you want to talk to and personalize your promotional products to their likes and hobbies. Doing this increases their chance of using the product, turning them into a living advertisement of your business.
Promotional products are an excellent way to retain your employees and make them feel included and a part of the team. Especially after the pandemic when many people worked from home, it’s easier for your employees to feel disconnected, making it easier for them to walk away to other employment opportunities. Employees onboarding kits, employees appreciation kits containing branded apparel or custom printed coffee mugs, or other special items can help them feel included, increasing your retention rate.
If you want to be on top of your customers’ mind, regular contact with them is so important. You have to ask yourself how much repeat customers are worth. Remember, it’s much cheaper to keep a customer than to find a new one. You can use promotional products to connect with your customers after the job is complete, asking them for referrals while it’s still fresh in their minds.
You can focus on about twenty previous customers to target and view their LinkedIn profiles so you can send them custom corporate kits with a personal touch. Once you’ve reconnected, you can ask them to recommend you to a few select friends, thereby growing your business.
It’s also essential to choose timely items as your promotional products. Research what your clients interests are. By thinking ahead, you can ensure your customers feel appreciated, and you can connect with them on a deeper level. Also, be sure to purchase seasonal products early to account for supply chain issues and delayed shipping.
I’m so excited to share my knowledge with you and see how it helps your business grow. I am with you on this journey as a partner, not just a vendor, which is why I love using my experience to help you succeed. Through interaction, communication, and understanding, you can connect with your customers and achieve the growth you’ve always dreamed of having.
Shirley is the co-founder of Garuda Promo and Branding Solutions. With a background in print production and graphic design, she specializes in promotional products marketing, creating end-products that aligns with her client's marketing goals and brand strategy.