Promotional products, corporate gift Los Angeles.

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We love getting new customers, right? Every company focuses the bulk of our marketing and sales efforts on lead generation. At Garuda Promo, most of our customers purchase promotional products as business development tools, for brand awareness campaigns, event giveaways, or tradeshow exhibitions. However here’s a critical question: how much are you investing in retaining those customers once you’ve secured them? When asked this question most businesses are surprised to realize they have little to no budget and strategy allocated for customer retention. I was recently a guest on Brett Deister’s Digital Coffee: Marketing Brew podcast, discussing the secret to customer retention using promotional products. I hope you will have a listen on the episode below:

The Secret to Customer Retention

The individuals who have already purchased from you have demonstrated trust and satisfaction with that initial transaction. If we keep them happy, they are far more likely to place additional orders and even become repeat customers. These satisfied customers can grow into mini ambassadors for your brand, vocally sharing their positive experiences and, in turn, drawing in new potential customers.

Develop a Customer Retention Program

1. It costs less to retain an existing customer
A customer retention program is cost effective because retaining existing customers requires less marketing and less time convincing. They have already had the experience working with you. Become a good listener and try to reach out to the client personally, ask to see if they are happy with your services.

2. Happy customers are loyal and help build referrals for your business
Make an effort to reach out to your current clients, and ask them if they are happy with your product or service. If they have concerns or complaints they should be addressed promptly. This is one of the most important points for turning customers into brand advocates. It shows them as a company you value the input and in return, they will become loyal customers. Offer personalized branded items that are relevant to them, taking the first step to becoming a brand ambassador.
These customer “brand advocates” will be more likely to spread the word about your brand, and to refer friends to your business.

3. Build relationships with your top customers to increase profit
Celebrating project milestones and anniversaries with branded gifts will help build a positive relationship with your customers. If your contact works for a larger organization ask for an introduction to other colleagues who might benefit from your work. Consider a thoughtful and personalized gift for these VIP customers.

4. Encourage User Generated Content
Leverage the power of promotional products to encourage user-generated content (UGC) can be an effective strategy for businesses looking to leverage their existing customer base to expand their reach and enhance their reputation. Make it easy for your clients to create and share content. They can take photos, record short videos using their cell phones, or even write testimonials, encourage them to post with your branded gifts to introduce your company to their followers.

By keeping your customers engaged and appreciated through thoughtful use of promotional products, you not only strengthen these relationships but also benefit from the organic promotion they provide.

About the Author

Shirley Ho

Shirley is the co-founder of Garuda Promo and Branding Solutions. With a background in print production and graphic design, she specializes in promotional products marketing, creating end-products that aligns with her client's marketing goals and brand strategy.

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